Polli, uova e maiali alla diossina: una proposta della Commissione UE per maggiori misure di salvaguardia.

4 giugno -99 - Una bozza di proposta per proteggere i consumatori di uova, polli e carne di maiali è stata avanzata dalla Commissione UE.
Riportiamo il comunicato stampa UE tratto dal web Europa.

"Proposal to extend safeguard measures in relation to dioxin contamination
A draft European Commission decision has been prepared by Agriculture and Consumer Protection Commissioners, Franz Fischler and Emma Bonino, to introduce appropriate safeguard measures, to include all products which may have been contaminated. In view of the urgency of the matter it is intended to use the legal possibilities available to take the decision on the basis of the urgent safeguard provisions.

This action has been prompted by the fact that the Belgian authorities suspect that the dioxin contaminated feedingstuff may have been fed to livestock other than domestic fowl. The same requirements will apply as in the earlier decision i.e. no placing on the market of products from restricted farms, tracing of products already on the market, the provision of information to other member states, certification for export, etc. The restrictions will therefore be extended to cover products from the pork and bovine farms which are placed under control by the Belgian authorities ; and will apply to products coming from these farms since January 15th."

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